Sunday, May 30, 2010

North Central Show A & B

Hot hot OMG its Hot! It was a really warm show yesterday in Midland fair grounds but it was a really well run rabbit show. I think everyone rabbit took the heat really well and so did mine. We had really nice air movement through the barn.

Show A: Star Buck's Madea won Best In Show at the little age of 6 1/2 month old. Its her 2nd Best In Show.

Show B: A really nice Havana won Best 4 Class and the judge Terry Finder said the English Angora is resv. I thought that was really cool.

See everyone in the fall...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Do you really need a good Herd buck??

I have been told by some really great friends (L&M) that you need to have really good Keystone herd bucks and if that doe and him work and make nice babies keep doing that cross over and over. A good herd buck should have a sound typ and the wool to back it up. We are a wool breed first. Wool first type next.
There is so much prof in that and that I have seen in the few years that I have been showing. I have never in my all years gotten such nice bucks that have wool to burn. It always seems to be the bucks get left out in the wool department and the girls get all the wool.
All the Best In Shows that I have gotten have come from one really outstanding sire and that that Star Buck's Green Acers he has been producing some outstanding sons to take his place.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saginaw valley/ Heart of Michigan show.

The weather was cold a crappy and it rain hard and ice was coming down but the sun was shining on the English Angoras!

Saginaw Valley Show A:

Star Buck's Madea Sr White doe just about to turn senior on May 13th won her first Best In Show. She is one heck of a rabbit with density and a body to back it up thanks mom Silvetone Dominique.
2nd place Sr white doe Terra
BOS,BOV Colored Sr Buck, Star Buck's Nate King Cole
BOSV Colored Sr Doe Star Buck's Rehana

Heart Of Michigan show B:

Star Buck's Terra White Sr doe won her last leg winning All Breed Best In Show. She can know stay home and be cut down at the good old age of 10 months. She has done her mother Silvertone Ricki Lake very happy! The money she won for her BIS can go to the feed bill and make her owner happy :-)
Star Buck's Medea 2nd place Sr white doe
BOS,BOSV Star Buck's Nate King Cole
BOSV Star Buck's Rehana

Saginaw Valley 75th years!

Today was a great day to share with great people and care about you. The All Breed club that I'm a member of had there 75Th year anniversary. We might be the oldest club still going in the USA. So many clubs have come and gone, we just have been there through the hard and good times. Got to help be show super and really liked it a lot. Its a hard job but someone has to do it and keep it moving. Saginaw Valley we have a great group of people and a lot of thanks goes out to the people that have set and close it down.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Buck Eye State!

Hello to all, thought I come post a fast note. Went down to the great state of Ohio to show. What can words say about the great Buck eye state, don't get lost around Toledo Ohio and end up going back north. LOL A friend and I decided to go to the show me only taking 2 rabbits and all my grooming supplies and myself. I didn't have a show till Sunday so the rabbits sat in there carring cages till then all covered up and they did really well.
There where a lot of rabbits there! The mini lops and American Fuzzy lops had a National show going on and a few other breeds.

Sunday Show:

Star Buck's Terra placed 2nd in her class of 7 White senior does.
Star Buck's Nat King Coal place 1st place jr colored buck of 9 junior bucks and then went on to win BOV&Best of Breed. His a hot little buck just know turning 6 months of age you think you have a doe in your hands with the density of wool this little buck has.