Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Think your safe in your homes.

Hello Everyone out there. :-) I know these has nothing to do with rabbits but yesterday Jan 27t 2009 I was robbed. You think your safe in your own home but I guess not. Times most be getting hard for people in my area of Saginaw Michigan. Who ever the people where they came through and kicked in my back door to my home. I came home to a house to an open front and my first worry where my rabbits where they ok and the place was trashed. Everything was turned upside down. They taken a flat screen tv, check book and a music insterment. They even tried to get into where I keep the rabbits outside but there alright.
Its just make me so upset people will do these to there people. So times are getting tuff out there for people and its going to keeping going up people breaking into people homes.

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