Saturday, November 10, 2007

Xmas Cactus

A lot of people have Xmas Cactus's in there homes but not to many people can get them to the big size, because they think of them coming from the desert and there not a desert plant. They come from South America. My Xmas Cacti is about 67 years old and the lady that gave it to me didn't want it and was just going to let it die. "I was like I will take it!"

The trick that I have found and was told about from a friend that has two of them one plant is in its 80s and the other ones is in its 70s. Is to water it once a week and they like to go outdoors in the summer month in a nice partly shady area and bring them back and place them in a East facing window for the fall and winter time. The trick to get it to bloom for the holidays is to stop watering it all together in October and then restart to water it in November once a week and just let it have sunlight from the window and keep the room dark at nighttime.

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