Saturday, September 15, 2007

New Bunny Room

Well I have had a really long day today. I have been doing alot of work on my new bunny room. Its an 8x12 room that I put in the garage. It will be spelt between my Himalayans and my English Angoras. Going to have 15 cages for the himmies and English with have 24 cages.

I can only get one car in there and all the other junk that I have. It will be nice not to have to loaded rabbits in the cold or in the dark anymore. As you can see its alot of work for one person to do all by themselves. Going to put the plywood up this week and insulation in the walls. Hoping to get the lights up and working soon. Loved shopping in Home Depot. I'm like a kid in a candy shop. All those wonderful thing to buy and look and and thing what you could do with them.

Going to also be heating the room, I want to keep myself warm in the winter time when I'm out feeding and grooming bunnies. Also have to take out the window and put in a new one so that it opens and I can place the a/c in the summer time and keep the bunnies cool. I will keep posting on how I'm doing and when its done. Just think 3 more weeks till ARBA Convention I can't wait to do alot of shopping. :-)